Sunday, 13 November 2016

The Sunday Post #1

The Sunday Post #1

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer This seemed like a perfect meme to share all the bookish news (or any news) which happened throughout the week, so I am really thinking of continuing with this meme!

Number of books I read:

One. Yeah, I know. I was in huge reading slump for the past few weeks, so finishing this one book was also a huge accomplishment for me haha. The book I read is Dark Matter by Blake Crouch, and to be honest, it’s one of the best Sci-Fi books I’ve read in a very long time. The story is complex, terrifying, gripping, and all in all, an amazing book wish brillian Sci-Fi plot! Here’s my review of it: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

Book buying ban:
: I am sure none of us love to do this thing, and I’ve tried to go on a book buying ban twice in past and have always failed. Because basically, I am like this:

The last book I bought is Heartless, which still hasn’t arrived *sigh* but I am planning to not buy books for about at least a month. 

Binge Watching T.V shows:
Since I had missed many episodes of How To Get Away With Murder, I decided to binge watch Season 3. I watched last few episodes, and oh my god, this show just keep getting better and better! I am truly addicted to this show and its characters! Along with that, I also tried to catch up on other shows like Supernatural, Outlander Season 2 (Jamie!! <3 ) last week. Yes, I am obsessed with T.V.

Beta reading work:
While we’re talking about all fun things, I also want to add that I’m spending a lot of time beta reading books. So I am just balancing between beta reading books and the books I read for fun. So to sum up my current life, you can say that I am surrounded only by books :P

And wanna add some more books to this pile? Well, I also have college exams coming up. So I am also a bit busy preparing for my exams.

Okay, so that's how my my week went! I just hope that by the end of  next week I have more books in my "read" shelf ;p

 Also, I spend a lot of time on Instagram talking and fangirling about books, so you can connect with me there too :D                          
A photo posted by Jenny (@jennypatel_7148) on


  1. Hope you enjoy Heartless when it arrives, I'm also dying to read it! Have a lovely day and I hope your exams go well and your studying goes smoothly :)

    1. The wait is real! :/ And thanks a lot :)

  2. Welcome to The Sunday Post! :)

    Best of luck with the exam studying - I hope that goes well. Also best of luck with the book ban. I'm never successful at those!

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks a lot :) Yeah, neither have I been successful with book buying bans, but I'm positive this time ;P

      Thanks again.

  3. Hey, I just found your blog and I had to follow you!!
    I'm waiting for my Heartless copy to arrive too, but I probably won't be reading it till after my final exams which aren't till the middle of December :(
    Hopefully we both enjoy the book.
    Have a good week :)
    Aneta @ Angelic Book Reviews 

    1. Hwy, thanks! And you have a wonderful blog too! :)
      Awwh, but exams are important, so good luck with them!
      Thanks for dropping by! :)
