Monday, 6 March 2017

Book subscription box: BooksnBeyond unboxing

Books n Beyond unboxing! 

So, everyone knows about book subscriptions, right? All that amazing bookish merchandise, packed together and sent off to you every month, who doesn't like that? It's one of the best things when it comes to getting something other than books. And usually these boxes includes surprise goodies, which just adds on to the excitement! 

There are a lot of book subscription boxes out there, but I'm here to talk about an Indian book subscription box which was launched few months and since I am their representative for this month, I received their totally awesome march box, and its theme was SHERLOCKED. It was perfect for all the sherlock fans, and included some great products!! 

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Review: A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab



“In myths, the hero survives.
The evil is vanquished.
The world is set right.
Sometimes there are celebrations, and sometimes there are funerals.
The dead are buried. The living move on.
Nothing changes.
Everything changes.
This is a myth.
This is not a myth.”

A Darker Shade of Magic
introduced me to the different kinds of londons and some badass characters.

A Gathering of Shadow had Essen Tasch, a competition of magical elements. Which had a lot of actions, and introduced many new characters, one of them being Alucard, a handsome pirate whom I'll love forever!

A Conjuring of Light
? Feels. Feels everywhere. Yeah, that's the only thing I am capable of thinking. So many things happen in this 600 pages book that it's almost impossible to wrap it up in a review. But I'll say this: Conjuring of Light has one of the best villains I've ever read. The story gives off dark vibes from the beginning of the book, as it starts exactly where AGOS left, and now Osarun, the villain, has become more powerful and almost impossible to destroy.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Review: Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway


“The more you start to love someone, the more you ache when they’re gone, and maybe it’s that middle ground that hurts the most, when you can see them and still not feel like you’re near enough.”

Wow. This was such an emotional and moving story, and nothing like I had thought it would be. This was definitely not a cute love story, at least not entirely focused on romance, which was the first impression I got when I read the blurb. But this book was so much better! Emmy and Oliver just became one of my top favorite contemporary reads!!

I had no idea about the book, especially when the title gives no hint and even the blurb doesn't clear anything. The characters in this story deals with some very heave and emotional situations, but despite that, the author managed to keep the scenes light with cute and funny moments between the main characters. We are being told that Oliver, Emmy's childhood best friend was kidnapped by his father and then never came back. But then Oliver returns one day and everything changes after that.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

February wrap-up!

February wrap-up!

Hey all! So February has officially ended! How are you all doing? February was a pretty good month for me, both personally and reading wise. I finally got back into blogging regularly, and also got out of my reading slump! :D 

Books read: I read five books this month. (not a lot, I know!) And two of them were a reread, but it counts because even Gr has accepted that fact and added reread option! XD

The books I read are: 

Milk and Honey - 4/5 stars
A Conjuring of Light (reread) - 4/5 stars
Beautiful Bastard - 2/5 stars