My rating
My review
Where She Went starts off 3 years after the accident takes place. And at this point, Adam and Mia are living separate lives, which makes you wonder what actually happened to them that they are not together anymore. This book is by Adam's perspective, which I really liked because it gave me a chance to know him, to see how much he was affected by what happened with Mia and her family.
We can see how miserable Adam is, how much he wants to be with Mia, but doesn't know what went wrong three years ago that it broke them apart. I'll be honest, I liked Adam's Pov more than Mia's. Adam and Mia both needed closure to move on with their lives, and when they meet after all these years, it's Adam's only chance to ask Mia what happened after that accident.
Mia takes Adam to this tour of New York, where they visit places like Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Bridge. And I'm the kind of person who loves reading about new places, so that fact that I actually visited New York last year made those scenes even more interesting!! It was like when they were talking around the streets, I could picture the places, which made the reading experience even more fun.
What I loved about this book, and what made it really special to me is how raw and real the story is. It was like I was there with Adam, experiencing that heart break. And the story with which I can connect to on such high level always has a very special place in my heart.
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